The AC-130 appears in the missions " Toxic Paradise" and " Fire Mission". The AC-130 is available for both Survival Mode and Mission Mode.

The only changes are an ammo counter for each weapon as well as the ability to switch between Thermal and Enhanced Optics. The AC-130 also returns in multiplayer, as a 12 Pointstreak in the Assault Package. Also, unlike previous games, the FCO is female rather than male. The imaging camera can be toggled for thermal as well as dynamically controlled for zoom. In "Iron Lady", "Warhammer's" AC-130 Gunner continues to provide fire support for Delta Force operators, and Frost continues to designate targets with air support markers. In "Bag and Drag", Frost uses air support markers to designate targets for an AC-130, callsign " Warhammer". The AC-130 makes an appearance in the missions " Bag and Drag" and " Iron Lady" in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. The main use of the AC-130 is not to protect allies, but to take out enemy vehicles ( BM-21s, T-72s, Mi-24 Hinds), and destroy enemy structures. The AC-130 is only used in the level " Clearing the Way" under the callsign Eagle, though Eagle is seen giving the player air support in " Winter Assault" and guiding the player in " Last Chance". Unlike previous games, where the player could only fail by attacking friendlies and no-fire zones, the AC-130 can now be shot down by enemy anti-air vehicles, supposedly BM-21s. The AC-130 has an increase in damage for most weapons from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (DS), as the 20mm Vulcan cannon is capable of taking out enemy T-72s, as well as an increase in bullet speed and rate of fire the 105mm Howitzer is capable of taking out large buildings in around two shots. The AC-130 returns in Modern Warfare: Mobilized as one of the three usable vehicles, the others being the M1 Abrams and the Humvee. The AC-130 in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Mobilized. Depending on the difficulty selected, the AC-130 gunner may have to provide overwatch for the ground player for a longer period of time. Just like in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare campaign and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer, the AC-130 features three guns, all being the same, but like in Call of Duty 4 the 40mm and 25mm guns do not need to be reloaded. Before the mission starts the host is asked to select the AC-130 gunner. The AC-130 appears in the Special Ops mission " Overwatch" being gunned by one of the players. It has three different mounted guns (105mm, 40mm and 25mm) and lasts 40 seconds. It takes eleven kills without dying to get the killstreak. The AC-130 returns as an obtainable killstreak in Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer. Multiplayer Main article: AC-130 (killstreak) It doesn't make any other appearances in campaign. The AC-130 makes a brief appearance in " S.S.D.D.", where one is seen landing on the airfield. An unused model for the AC-130 can be found in the game files, suggesting it to be seen in campaign or multiplayer.

This ability is lost in Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 3. The 40mm Bofors and 25mm Gatling gun have unlimited ammunition and must be fully exhausted before they will reload. The "dual 25mm Gatling guns" are an automatic rapid-fire weapon with the highest zoom and least splash damage, making it very useful when targets are close to friendly NPCs. The 40mm Bofors auto-cannon hits a medium sized area and is fully automatic. It has the widest view in the Gunship, making it good for spotting ground targets. The 105mm cannon has a very wide blast radius but must go through a lengthy reload after each shot. The gunship is armed with a 105mm cannon, a 40mm Bofors autocannon, and "dual 25mm Gatling guns".
In "Death From Above", where the player controls the AC-130, they are the Thermal Imaging TV Operator.
On the PC and consoles, the AC-130 only appears in the missions " Death From Above" and " Hunted".